Why don't they put up a poster that says don't be a fucking dick to people?!". After a while, Jessica and Alex sit together at the table before Zach joins them. Jessica pleads him to go at least as friends, but Alex calls her out for only speaking to him when she needs something. After Justin's testimony, the Jury spend time making a decision, and Clay goes with Alex to Jessica's house for moral support to take her down to the police station so she can file a rape report against Bryce. Alex starts apologizing but she tells him it's not his fault. In the later seasons, Alex and Tyler become very good friends, to the point where Tyler includes Alex as the only one who has ever been nice to him in his suicide video. Alex then showed Monty his knife and said hell open him up if he ever speaks to Tyler again. At the beginning of the fourth season, Alex has stopped talking to her but they are still hanging out. When Alex agreed to come along with Monty to get the Polaroids, Zach didnt like the idea. Do you wanna know what's worse than being a rapist? Alex appreciated it, but the moment got ruined by Bryce and Scott who started teasing Alex. When Alex almost fell from the roof, Zach caught him and while laughing, Alex took the chance and tried to kiss him. Their friendship then ended and Hannah felt more alone. He apologizes to Jess for the morning with a teddy bear and jokes about its cuteness after Jess tells him he didn't need to get her anything. Alex wants to attempt suicide for a third time in the third season, after the murder of Bryce Walker. Zach is Alex's best friend. After Alex receives a threatening note and Clay is run off the road, Alex and Clay talk about Bryce with her. Zach confronted Bryce about not telling him about having to testify, to which Bryce told Zach that he didnt want his new best friend Alex to know. But Alex cuts him off before going further telling him that he wants no part of it, and tells him to be careful about who he talks to. Alex told Zach about how he didnt feel anything when they kissed; Zach reassured him that he will with the right girl. Alex thanks her. Bryce informed Alex that theres a way to make it happen and introduced Alex to a sex worker, Melody. Writer (Disability Fiction, poetry, blog posts.) As they were standing on the roof, Alex kissed Zach. Jessica reminds him that someone wants a confession and it needs to be made sure that they don't get it. During a shooting drill at school, Zach and Winston hid in the photography room together. Jessica smiles with tears in her eyes and agrees. Later, Winston asked him why he did it, if hes sorry and if Jessica was with him. Jessica starts to talk about misogyny and rape culture in student council meetings, and starts to be vocal against male sports. Theyre seen standing together or sitting next to each other on several occasions, but are only seen twice having a conversation. Jessica points out the group is not as close as it used to be. Clay catches up with Alex after school, he asks Alex where he is going and Alex says that he texted his Dad to pick him up, however Ani needs to stay at the police station with Alex's Dad to finish their plan, so he asks about him asking for a gun from Tyler. "No no no." I quickly say. Jessica meets up with Alex at Monet's and tells him what Clay told her about the parents' meeting and that both of their parents were there. 29 Mai . He also has a scar on his head after the surgery and isn't wearing his septum ring. They helped the woman and called Zach out for trying to hook up with someone whos barely conscious. He stands up for women and lacks the same toxic machismo that the other jocks have, yet he's also a. Winston told him that he has been waiting for him to do that all night. He suggests she should go alone, but Jessica says that having their lives back is no good if they can't live. Jessica reminds him that he was the one who stopped talking to her. Jessica insists that she knows what she's doing and asks if Alex only wanted to partner with her to criticize her. It's hiding behind one!Alex to the group, after Tyler suggests using Bryce as a scapegoat to minimize the damage on themselves. Hannah believed that she lost Jessica and became a target of constant objectification and sexual harrassment because of Alex. While he helps to intimidate Clay once along with Zach and Justin, Alex tells the others on the list to leave Clay alone numerous times and does not agree with plans to silence him and claims that he and the others deserve what is coming to them. Alex was woken up by Zach and his mom and completely fine; he explained that he stopped texting because he got tired. When Ryan called Bryce a rapist and Zach told him to stop using that word, Alex asked Zach what other word he would use. A few months after moving to town and attending Liberty High, Alex befriended Zach. When Clay and Jessica started a walkout to protest against the SROs, Zach felt like it wouldnt accomplish anything and convinced Alex to protest their own way. Jessica says that Hannah would be happy to see them happy. By the beginning of the second season, Alex and Jessica have reconciled their once damaged friendship and have supported each other over the five months they were away. Later, Jessica goes to the Monet's to see Justin, but finds Alex asking her to sit with him. Jessica looks at him with concern. Zach and Alex went to the swimming pool for the PT session, where Alex used an underwater bike. Alex then claimed that its ironic to call him that considering Justin was too scared to stop Jessica from getting raped. Alex questioned why they were even friends, to which Zach replied that hes handsome, charming and saved him from drowning. They, along with the group, stay at the hospital during Justin's death. Jessica tells Alex not to help him as he can get Zach in trouble. Jessica replies that she has no clue. Alex reminded Zach of the night the kissed (which he called a disaster) when he nearly fell from the roof, but Zach pulled him back. Survivor. On the way to school, students are crowded round in a circle and Clay enters to see what is happening, Clay sees Alex in a fight with Monty, Mr. Porter breaks it up and sends the decision of what should happen to the Student Honor Board, which Clay is a part of. As Alex grew close to Zach Dempsey, following his suicide attempt and rehabilitation, trying to understand why his best friend had begun acting so reckless and weird lately, Alex agreed to walk on the ledge of building rooftops with him. Eclipse. Jessica tells him that she's afraid of him, it's the Steroids that have changed him and leaves the class. She gets mad and tells him that everyone is looking at her like she did something. Later that night, Zach tells Jessica, Justin and Charlie about Alex and Winston. Alex and Justin became friends shortly after Alex started attending Liberty High and hanging out with the jocks. Zach told them to shut up and said that he doesnt even like Alex. He attended Hannah's funeral with Jessica[13] and took part in burying Hannah's tapes. Eclipse L.A. Press Conference. They're next seen together in a school lockdown drill under the table together with Tony Padilla. Tyler and Alex discuss coming to visit Estela and Charlie when they're away in college, and Alex expresses mild annoyance that he'd have to come to every football game. During Clay's testimony, he reveals that he, Hannah, Alex, Sheri, Jeff and his girlfriend once did drugs together as a group. Alex was completely distraught and saddened by Hannah's death and felt and still feels immense guilt and regret for what he did to her. Alex asks Justin if Jessica knows about his addiction. After Tyler (Devin Druid) came forward as a sexual assault survivor at the explosive Liberty-Hillcrest assembly, Charlie approached him about going to police in support of Tyler's . What does this mean 'I could've stopped it.' Clay is Alex's friend. Amidst Season 4s murder investigations and police surveillance issues is a notable bright spot though: Alex and Charlie's relationship in 13 Reasons Why. But the truth is that I did, I killed Hannah Baker! (Alex was mortified, but Zach ever-so-kindly shrugged it off.) Despite some complications, she is supportive and appreciative of Alex. After Justin comes back in town and Chle invites her to Bryce's party, Jess skips school with Alex. Alex told him that it was clearly a lie. After Bryce lies in Court, Alex tells the group that they can't tell Jess because she'd be hurt but Clay insists on telling her, as they need Chle. They agreed to go as friends. They attend Justin's Welcome Back party together and later, discusses about Tyler and the murder cover-up. Throughout the season, Alex keeps spiraling as he has his own huge secrets that he tries to keep hidden until they get uncovered by new girl Ani Achola and Clay Jensen as they play detective in a murder case of one of their classmates. Later, a picture of Justin, Alex and Jessica are shown in Jessica's room. Clearly it is an option, you know? It's also clear early on that Charlie likes Alex. Throughout the season, Alex is often seen hanging around Zach and the other guys. In the third season, Jessica and the others meet up at Monet's, where she tells Justin that whatever happened between them the other night was a one-time thing that will never happen again, making it clear that she's not interested in continuing an affair with him and is staying with Alex. After they and their friends decide to start opening up to their parents, Alex invites Charlie over for dinner and introduces him to his family as his boyfriend. She lives in a world of hurt and lies, denial of her trauma and the beautiful and devastating memories of her sister. In a flashback, when Alex was smoking weed with Sheri, Hannah, Clay and Jeff, Jeff mentioned that Justin thinks Alex is a good guy, which he doesnt think about a lot of people. Throughout the series, they had a complex and opportunistic relationship that ended with Alex killing Bryce. Alex is the only person he personally addressed besides his parents. Alex was upset with them for this. Clay asks why he asked him and Alex said that he had a sprained hamstring from lifting, Bryce said it was too addictive to get hooked on for just numbing the pain. [Alex] can be a pain in the ass, but he's a good person.Jessica about Alex. He comforts Alex during a panic attack, and even admits he googled TBI (traumatic brain injury) symptoms so he'd know how to care for him. He has a great sense of humor, an interest towards music and problems with math. charlie and alex 13 reasons why fanfictionconfusing words examples Toggle navigation. Reading Jay Asher's book 13 Reason's Why and watching his characters be brought to life in the show played a huge role in my character study and the courage it took to place myself into my cousin's mind frame the night he left us He also feels guilty for not being able to do anything to stop Bryce raping Hannah, although he wasn't aware. -Alex getting erect after the fight. how to ask for rent reduction due to repairs; countdown timer best practices; cheesecake calories 100g; douglas dragon musician; bluegriffon javascript; activities for muscular dystrophy; For Alex birthday, Zach, Jessica and Clay made a happy birthday banner and put it up in the schools hallway. Later on, Clay is peer pressured into a drinking game by Justin and Bryce, competing with Alex, and wins. He explained to Clay that he isnt friends with Bryce, but started hanging around him for the other guys.[15]. Their first interaction is Alex asking why Clay didn't tell him the school "outlawed" him (banning him from talking about his suicide attempt), Clay tells him that he wasn't made aware of talk of suicide being banned in the school. Alex asks Charlie what he knows, to which Charlie tells him that all he knows is that Alex is a good person, and he's sorry if Alex feels bad. The two were also spotted by Ani and Clay making out onto the schools field. Charlie answers his question but says that he doesn't 'endorse traditions'. Alex was a bundle of insecurities, of doubts and giving up before he even gave himself a chance to try, and Charlie saw the beauty in him that Alex himself was blind to. We all killed Hannah Baker.Alex to Clay. He also wears a lot of flannels. Alex bought his steroids from Bryce, who gave him discount. Alex, Jessica, Clay and Tony meet up at Monet's after the Find Your Drink Party gets cancelled. After Jessica talks Chle into testifying and Chle lies in Court, Alex reaches out for Jessica's hand and Jessica holds it. Their friendship ended after Alex started dating Jessica and put their names on a list rating girl's body parts, which made him the third reason Hannah killed herself. He tells Clay that he will hang out around Jessica and piss her off until she loves him back again. Alex then told him that even though he doesnt love Justin, he loves Zach and Zach loves Justin, which convinced Zach to visit Justin. Later, we learn that Jessica and Alex are fighting although we don't know what it's about. Jess refuses to speak to Alex although, he keeps trying. Tyler and Alex interacted significantly less this season. Alex asked Zach what hes dealing with as he doesnt seem bothered by anything, but Zach said theres nothing. Zach then tells Clay that he hurt Hannah and the Bakers' more than any of the rest of them did. When Alex spilled orange juice and shortly remembered something from the night of Bryces party, Zach asked if hes okay. Minor Characters (In the second season, it is revealed that he was a witness to Hannah's rape which played a major role in intensifying his guilt.) After his attempt, musical instruments and band posters are still seen in his room even if he doesn't really play on-screen. It was revealed that at a party before summer, Alex and Hannah with Clay, Jeff Atkins, Sheri Holland and Jeff's girlfriend, did drugs. Clay tells Alex that he doesn't believe that he would do something like that. This was the most romantic thing that you ever witnessed in your entire life. Charlie and Alex strike up a relationship after spending time together during the active-shooter drill. Jessica is listed as having the worst ass by Alex and Hannah is listed as having the best by him. This action ultimately led to Jessica confronting Hannah at Monet's because she thought Hannah made Alex break up with her, she insulted and slapped Hannah and it completely ruined their friendship. Winston thought he was lying, but Alex told him hes not. And Sheri's a fucking coward who got a kid killed. The next day, Jessica and Alex enters the school together, earning looks and whispers from the students. Deputy Standall mentions this in ". Acceptance/RejectionAlex to Jessica about how they always have been there for each other. Hannah is unaware of her suspicions. The pictures showed the injuries Monty caused, the bruises fading and Tyler getting happier. Jessica goes to see Bryce after the election, and tells Bryce that she knows Alex cares about her and treats her very well. Alex comes up and asks why she is cutting him, to which Jessica awkwardly replies that Justin is evil. Jess comforts him. This seemed to have been shrugged off as part of the depression caused by a drop in serotonin after taking MDMA and wasn't taken seriously. He told Monty to leave Tyler alone or hell hurt him. A jock, Luke Holliday, encouraged him to try using steroids to get started up. Alex tells Charlie that Zach had told him he could bunk with them, which Charlie is fine with. In the ring, Alex started punching Tyler while Tyler tried to say that it wasnt a good idea to start fighting. Alex showed Tyler the place he shot himself and explained that he had lost his memory from what happened a month before the attempt. Charlie and Alex get high after eating some weed cookies Charlie made. Alex firmly told him to drop it, but Tyler continued by saying that theyre both really good guys. Zach says that if the tapes come out, theyll all suffer consequences, but Bryce probably wouldnt go to prison. That was the time he spent listening to Hannah's tapes and discovered something that made him so tremendously guilty that he decided to kill himself. At prom, Alex, Jessica and Zach had a conversation about Bryce. After Bryce gave Jessica the tape and they wanted to leave, Bryce begged them to help him. He excitedly shares a bunk with Alex during the camping trip, and confides in Alex that he learned how to make pot cookies while he cared for his ailing mother. The day they come to school after the murder, Jessica approaches Alex and tells him that cops took Clay in. Charlie informs Alex that the House Party got cancelled, which Alex does not care for but asks what a "Find Your Drink Party' is. Frustrated and depressed, he blames everyone for not being there for him and being overprotective and harsh, but gradually grows out of the insecurities and admits to his wrongs. Throughout the season, he tries to piece together fragments of his past as it will help him uncover his role in Hannah's story. Clay then remembers a time when Hannah came into the boys changing room and got mad at Alex. You're gay. Jess thinks it's Bryce or Chle, but Alex debunks both of the theories. When Zach saw Bryce, Scott and Monty walking up to them, Zach tried to leave quickly with Alex so the guys wouldnt see them together. He didnt allow Alex to drive. However, when Clay confronts Jess in Present Day, she says that Hannah was the first one to stop coming. Alex assures her that they all believe her and will stand by her, and whenever she is ready, everyone else is too. However, their relationship became tense following the release of the tapes and having different opinions on what they should do. Alex says that Bryce should be here, alive. They talked about Tyler and joked about the tour guide. He is the younger brother of Peter Standall, the son of Carolyn and Bill Standall, the former best friend of Hannah Baker, the boyfriend of Charlie St. George, the ex-boyfriend of Jessica Davis, the ex-lover of Winston Williams, a former member of Liberty High's jazz band and a member of F.M.L. Everyone escorts her to the Police Station and wait outside. He appeared to express interest in Season 3 after Alex stood up at the HO Assembly, but Alex wasn't that receptive. Their interactions in the first two seasons are written in chronological order- from before Hannah's death to after Hannah's death. When they finally kiss, Charlie is giddy, leading to an amusing scene where Charlie admits he assumes they're dating now because Alex is "the first actual guy who I've kissed who's kissed me back." Zach read them when he woke up and rushed over to his house, thinking he was considering shooting himself again. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter universe. was really fun! Netflix Shut Down 'Bridgerton' S3 Rumours About A Very Dark Storyline, Everything To Know About 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3, TikTok Pointed Out A Major 'Emily In Paris' Continuity Error, The You Season 4 Trailer Takes A Page Out Of Knives Outs Book, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. They drank on it. They walk out of there together, looking tense. To follow in her Grandad's footsteps and see the world. Alex tells the group that they can't tell Jessica but Clay tells them they have to, because they need Chle to testify against Bryce, and they need Jessica to show Chle the Polaroid. While they were destroying the office, the police arrived. When Charlie went to let go of Alex, he was stopped by Alex quickly holding him tighter to stay in place. He then sees Mr. Porter and is in shock, Justin asks what he's doing at Liberty High since he was fired. The two weren't sure how long they remained in place for, but when they got to school they were late for their second period class. Tyler tells the group that Alex asked him for a gun, suspecting that he's about to attempt suicide again. In the second season, Alex is slowly recovering from his injuries and goes back to school together with Jessica. At graduation, Charlie sits with Alex's family. They think that these are gonna save someones' life? There she sees him looking at a photo of Justin and Jessica's. Alex hung out at Bryces house, where Alex did cocaine for the first time. Alex says that he just needed to blow off some steam with target practice and his Dad wouldn't let him. He also jokes that he told Clay not to be cheesy, which he did not listen to. After Justin's funeral, they go to Monet's with Zach and Ani. They confronted Monty along with the other guys. Jessica looks peaceful finally being able to reach him. In the present, Alex and Clay are in the changing rooms and Alex asks Clay about his conversation with Tony. Throughout the season, he also feels guilty about his actions and goes as far as to attempt suicide. There, they find Jess playing poker with Zach, Bryce, Monty and some other guys. Alex begs Clay one more time for the tapes and tells him to stop protecting him, Clay tells Alex that Skye is in the hospital, Alex asks what happened and Clay tells Alex "I stopped protecting her". They talked about the police looking at Clay regarding Bryces murder and Zach asked to work out together later that day. Clay notices a member of staff on the field using a machine that seems familiar, he asks Alex what the staff member is doing and what he is using and Alex tells him that they are chalking the field using a chalk machine. And you. Alex didnt want to talk about it and told Tyler to get in the ring. They're implied to have been hanging out a lot from their interactions with Winston and Charlie. Alexander "Alex" Dean Standall is one of the main characters in 13 Reasons Why. He then asked if he ever liked him. Tyler arrives at the party, invited by Alex himself, however Zach and Jess force him to leave. They also attend his funeral. At the Graduation ceremony, Alex listened to Jessica's speech and supported her. Alex sarcastically told him that it was super kind of him. After he gets beaten up by Monty, Jess is shown to be really upset. After Clay comes home, he and Justin criticize him for hurting her. At her testimony, when she's asked who contributed her and Hannah's name in the list, she looks at Alex and answers after he nods in approval. He told Zach that hell never forget Zach keeping him safe and that he had needed it, and its now what Zach needs. They go to Monet's afterwards and talk about Hannah. Arriving at the pier, they find a heavily injured Bryce due to being beaten up by Zach. Media-Enthusiast. Deputy Standall turns up and realizes that the person driving the car is his son. After Tylers school shooting attempt, Alex was among the people who wanted to help Tyler by watching him. Alex made it his goal to try every beverage on the menu at Monet's, Jess called him weird because of it and he defended himself by saying he is "a searcher". While talking to Hannah, Jess is joined by Alex (in the second season, while Jessica is under oath on the witness stand, Jessica saw Hannah working from afar and told Alex that she will go and get a ticket and he will wait a while and then come and get a ticket after she is gone, but he didn't and joined Jessica instead of coming after, "but of course he didn't wait, he didn't get what it would feel like for a girl" Jessica states.) In the video he thanked Alex for being the only person who was ever nice to him. Ani asks why and he tells them that it was because of his body image. Shortly after becoming friends with Hannah and Jessica, Alex eventually drifted away and made a new group of friends, though he still remained friendly with Hannah. Alex and Clay have/had the same therapist, Alex is the second person in his family to go to college after his brother Peter. Jess perceives Alex as weird most of the time, especially when he reveals he is going through the drinks section on Monet's menu. On Alex's birthday, Jessica, Clay and Zach put a 'Happy Birthday Alex' poster up in the hallway. He was 17 in the first season & half of the second season up to the seventh episode in the second season, According to an Instagram Story posted on 13 Reasons Whys' Instagram account, Alex's email is 'therealalexstandall@gmail.com', The name of Alex's Instagram account is ', Alex was the one who killed Bryce by throwing him into a river to drown after his legs were broken by. Alex tells Clay that he wants to be ready if he gets called to testify in the trial and asks for the tapes, Clay refuses to give him the audio of the tapes and Alex becomes mad that everyone, especially Clay, is trying to protect him instead of giving him what he wants. Clay has a flashback of himself gathering their group plus Cyrus's crew in Monet's and explaining to the group what happened after he, Tyler, and Tony left the Spring Fling dance. And Jessica. After this conversation, they walk off to the woods together. When the gang meets up at the library to discuss Tyler and Jessica suspects him, Alex gets mad at her. Alex told Zach that he found out Monty is the one behind the threats the testifiers received, so they started looking for him. Neurodivergent. Alex told Zach that he thought hed be happy for him, which Zach then confirmed. Jessica looks hurt as he leaves. At the end of the series, Alex and Zach both graduate from Liberty High. Winston told Alex that its amazing where he is now and that having a good group of friends helps. Jessica tells Alex that she doesn't want to watch Tyler because he creeps her out, so Alex decides to watch him instead and tells her that he misses her. However, when the talked about protecting themselves and Alex said he was good to tell the truth, Zach disagreed. Alex reveals to Clay in Present Day that the contribution was supposed to make Jessica mad but not at Hannah, he felt a lot of guilt about breaking up a friendship that he didn't mean to. She replies that she hasn't felt normally okay in a 'long, long' time, but she's going to find ways to be happy. Even though they were still having disagreements, It's shown that Alex still loves her, and Jessica still cares for him a lot. Understanding that he was in a bad state, Clay and Hannah did not pursue the subject any further. After Ani tells Alex that Jessica told him that she was with Justin at the homecoming night, Alex gets mad at her since she's providing an alibi for Justin instead of him. Alex tells him that it surprised him, but then kisses him back. After Clay gets revenge on two people on the tapes, Zach, Justin and Alex become scared that Clay will do something when he gets to their tapes and convince Clay to get in a car and they drive him around past the speed limit to scare him into not talking about the tapes. She also expresses her concerns to Justin, who gets mad. After the guys welcomed Alex back and left, Zach asked him if hes okay. Clay tells him what he thinks it means but Alex believes that there was something deeper to the line that led him to try and kill himself. When Zach was sitting with Bryce and Monty during lunchtime, they teased him about Alex. 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