Boldar tosses a rock into it, and the rock disappears into nothingness. City Events happen every time the party visits Gloomhaven. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-51-b-a.png', '{Scoundrel} {Saw} {MusicNote}: You shake your head at the guard, saying you must have been mistaken. 17 Character Boards 6 Monster Stat Sleeves 24 Personal Quest Cards 46 Damage Tokens 1 Town Records Book 504 Character Ability Cards 150 Event Cards 9 Random Scenario Cards 10 Scenario Aid Tokens 1 Map Board 457 Attack Modifier Cards 253 Item Cards 40 Random Dungeon Cards 4 hp/xp Dials 12 Objective Tokens 4 Player Reference Cards He looks at you skeptically, but says he will see what he can do about making the area more livable.\n\nGain 1 prosperity.\n\nOTHERWISE: Every merchant you try to talk to about the issue laughs you out of the room. When you pick it up, the sphere immediately flies back over to you and attaches itself to the rod's end.\n\nAdd City Event 72 to the deck. You see sadness in the Cragheart's eyes when you finally stand up to leave. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-04-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-04-f.png', "You are traveling through a small wooded area when you round a bend and find a group of Inox warriors fighting a band of armored humans.\n\nWith all the commotion, it's hard to discern more details, but the humans look like guards from Gloomhaven. "\n\nGain 20 collective gold.\n\nUnlock "Shadows Within" 83 (C-15).\n\nParty Achievement: "Bad Business. "See? I could use your help. You with the hard looks and big arms! However, instead of calling out an attack and rolling a die, Gloomhaven takes a different approach. "\n\nHis face softens a bit. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-12-b-a.png', 'Take the puppy and bring it back to Gloomhaven. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Mano Cards of Almelo, Overijssel. He slips free and scrambles around for his broom handle, muttering about the "stars" gift. ', '"Oh, hmmwell, that\'s disappointing." This could be an important community event. You thought you were taking a shortcut, but then you got turned around and lost your bearings.\n\nAnd just when you think things couldn't get worse, a wolf suddenly jumps out of the brush in front of you. The effect should last for at least as long as the fog does. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-48-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-48-f.png', '"Your Quartermaster friend sent me." The Outpost of Frosthaven's party will still experience events. After taking the valuables, you should be able to squeeze quite a bit extra out of this fellow as well when you return.\n\nUnlock "Vermling Nest" 94 (F-12)', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-b-a.png', '"Look!, ah, don\'t have a whole lot of capital right now, but I will give you everything I have once you get back with that artifact. The figure races toward the city wall and begins to climb the stairs. ', "You riffle through the man's pockets as he speaks his last words. Thanks to your help, the city is able to gather a large amount of extra wood for construction. In these situations, the party has to comply with the community choices. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-06-b-a.png', 'If the guards are distracted by an attacking force, now would be the perfect time to steal some valuables. ', "Enraged by the Inox's insulting tongue,you take up your weapons and attack. She is happy to sell the potion at a discount.\n\nGain 1 collective "Major Stamina Potion" (Item 034)\n\nPAY 25 COLLECTIVE GOLD: No amount of haggling can lower the Vermling\'s high price.\n\nGain 1 collective "Major Stamina Potion" (Item 034).\n\nOTHERWISE: The Vermling will not accept the tiny sum you offer. The Spell weaver holds up a black censer. You charge forward and meet the threat head-on, hacking away at their carapaces until they scuttle off the dock and back into the water.\n\nGain 10 experience each. He suggested I meet up with you once I got here"\n\nThe Valrath shifts his feet nervously. "Our horse is completely spent and we fare little better. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-18-b-a.png', 'Attack the insulting, contemptuous Inox. Not knowing what else to do, you head toward the river. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-a.png', 'Approach the Lurkers cautiously and attempt to communicate with them. "Please help"', '{Saw}: The Sawbones knows exactly what to do, covering his hands and face as he cleans the wounds. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-34-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-34-f.png', 'Harrowers are a rare sight, both outside of Gloomhaven and within. "\n\nAt this, a large number of bandits come out of hiding around you, emerging from the bushes.\n\n"So about that coin," the man says with a smile. That suspicion is confirmed when you get closer and see they are hovering around an armored Valrath woman bound to a tree, torturing her for information.\n\n"Don\'t you see how important this is!" ', "REPUTATION < -4: You chase after the sprinting man, but the guards conclude you must be an accomplice trying to help him. "', 'Leave with the woman to help her find her missing daughter. That forest does not look friendly. You try to calm her, but it is of no use. "I\'ve known quite a few persons who would have ratted me out for their chance at a piece of gold. I wouldn\'t suppose you lot might spare me some coin?" However, you cannot even stand to shake your foes' hands. You see a few broken branches and crushed plants. You need to know the purpose of the device you found, so you follow Fish into a derelict shack where he pulls out a map of the area and lays it on a table. \"They call me Fish, and that there is a key, friend a key of the ancient sort.\"\n\nBefore you can ask, Fish pulls out a similar black sphere atop a metal rod. Met with a big Inox guy who always talked about you. Best Card-Based Video Games On The Switch, Dungeons And Dragons: Best Evocation Spells, Dungeons And Dragons: Bard Subclasses Ranked, Coral Island: Best Romanceable Characters, Ranked, PlateUp! After all when a man is deep into his drink, the last thing you want to do is knock that drink over. "\n\nThe guard looks you over. She stops screaming eventually and begins coughing up a black bile. ', "A look of horrid surprise flashes in the Scoundrel's eyes as you leap forward and throw her to the ground. Some are scared off by the sudden attack, but others engage you hungrily. "I\'m looking to set up a contract with the Gloomhaven military and our friend says that you may have some contacts with them. On the other half, it grants you a move six ability, so long as that movement is in a straight line. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-24-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-24-f.png', 'You are far off the main road when you see a small band of Inox approaching from the west. Above you, you see a large flock of red birds flying southward.\n\nAt that height, you figure a well-aimed arrow could bring one of them down to make a nice meal. "', 'Attack. The single coin is an insult. Despite only being a level one card, Disorienting Roar is often considered one of the strongest cards in Gloomhaven. The number of insects is alarming, as is the diseased nature of the skin. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-69-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-69-f.png'. Though outnumbered and bloodied, you've never seen that stop the Berserker before. Perhaps the skull was not meant for you.\n\nNo effect. "Keep your distance! This has become and unfortunately common occurrence since the Gloom was destroyed. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-30-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-30-f.png', 'You find yourself incredibly drunk and gambling away your hard-earned gold at the Brown Door when a robed woman approaches you.\n\n"Please," she says. Is there a resource where I can view the outpost cards in the mean time? Before the men even have a chance to react, half of them lie dead on the ground. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-22-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-22-f.png', 'A knapsack and a walking stick on the side of the road catch your attention as you pass. After a while, the man gives up and resigns himself to his glass. "', 'PAY 1 COLLECTIVE "MINOR STAMINA POTION" (ITEM 013): After some oddly tense negotiations, you are able to agree upon a price. . That thing should know better than to stray from the Sinking Market.\n\nReputation < -4: Gain 1 reputation. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-35-b-a.png', 'PAY 5 GOLD EACH: You smile as non-threateningly as you can and reach for your coin purse. ", 'The core sure is heavy. Gloomhaven's card-based combat system is incredibly powerful and these cards and the strongest of them all. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-36-b-a.png', "{LightningBolts}: You get up to calm down the room, but the Berserker has other ideas, laying into the man before you can get a word out. You couldn't feel better about your decision. ', 'You subtly move in the direction of the men, monitoring their actions with your peripheral vision. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-b-a.png', 'You journey out to the Corpsewood, axe in hand and begin chopping away at the trees. If it isn\'t the most notorious band of mercenaries in all of Gloomhaven. You are, of course, victorious, but it saps some of your strength.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each. After a hard battle, the survivors retreat, leaving you to pick through the corpses. There is a shadow around you a Gloom. When you hear reports of harsher weather and larger waves hitting the docks, you try not to pay them any mind.\n\nLose 1 prosperity. While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Frosthaven, the exact content of which is yet to be announced. He looks crushed as you walk a way.\n\nLose 1 reputation. While four damage doesn't seem like much, the fact that this spell can attack the entire room makes this card worthwhile. Reading one, you learn that the Sanctuary of the Great Oak is laying down the foundation for a new building on the east side of Gloomhaven. ', 'You shake your head and avert your gaze. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-68-b-a.png', 'Calm the merchant and explain that not all mercenaries are bloodthirsty thieves. My brothers in the bushes say you had stink of city-dwelling outcast on you. ', "This suspicious old man must have seen you in here before with the rod and fashioned some elaborate con to swindle you out of something. he says while holding it up, taking great care not to damage it. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-68-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-68-f.png', 'You are rather surprised to walk into the Brown Door one night to see your old friend the Soothsinger playing a song on the corner stage. "\n\nYou cough in affirmation and quickly move on.\n\nNo effect. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-47-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-47-f.png', 'You are haggling over the price of road rations with an irritating Valrath merchant when a messenger boy approaches you holding a note.\n\n"Sir, I have a pressing letter from an important Valrath Sunkeeper," the messenger says. The road wasn\'t even that bumpy, and then BAM!" ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-55-b-a.png', 'The trek through the overgrown path is unpleasant. The Vermling drops his weapon and cowers. "You see, my compatriots and I seem to be a bit lost. "\n\nReputation > 4: Gain 1 reputation.\n\nReputation < -9: Lose 1 reputation. The going is hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. Is life worth nothing? ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-17-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-17-f.png', 'The road contains many dangers, and chief among them are the barbaric tribes of Inox that inhabit the wilderness around the city. ", 'Continue down the path into the wood. "', 'The Savvas concentrates and lays its hand on you. They\'ve threatened to kill me if I don\'t pay them off, but, uh, but I simply don\'t have the money. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. "To think there are places in the world where such barbarism still exists. Frosthaven Events. Have a drink with me! You can only use the top half of one and the bottom half of another, so plan accordingly! While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Jaws of the Lion, the exact content of which is yet to be announced. They are working to push their brightly painted wagons, all emblazoned with a "Marvelous and Magical Techno-Circus" logo, out of the muck.\n\n"We just stopped for a quick meal, and now the wheels have sunk into this mess," a Quatryl with a fancy top hat says as you approach. ', '{Cragheart} {Spellweaver} {Triangles} {Circles}: You jump under an outcropping, but something is not right. ', "You flatly refuse to pay off the Sawbones' debt and convince him the only way to escape his pursuers is to board a ship bound for the eastern continent, far out of their reach. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-46-b-a.png', 'Encourage the Cragheart to move on with its life. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-23-b-a.png', 'The thief had the right idea. You can\'t see two feet in front of your face and everything is just so cold and damp.\n\nWalking down what you think is the road, you nearly bump into an elderly Savvas.\n\n"Ah, how fortuitous is such a meeting," the Savvas says. I've filled out a replacement form but I've yet to hear anything back. There must be millions of them.\n\nYou take a hesitant step forward and the bugs do not react. I'm in command of my own life, and I'm going to do what I want with it. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-13-b-a.png', 'Continue on your way to a less adventurous meal. 4 HP/XP . ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-32-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-32-f.png', 'The Void is a troubling area in Gloomhaven a vast, barren expanse of black sand amid the bustling streets of the city. This level six Brute card is a lot stronger than it first appears. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-05-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-05-f.png', "You awake in the middle of the night to the sound of alarms ringing in the west. They're going through the goods in the wagons when you hit them with a surprise attack. What do you say to that? ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-61-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-61-f.png', '"So, I hear you stood up for me with the city guards the other day. The sensation is odd and you quickly fish out the small metal sphere you found out on the road. ", "As soon as you jump into the cold, brackish waters, the sphere stops vibrating or pulling. He went over there, and I\'m afraid." With every wound they inflict, she becomes more and more enraged, cleaving off limbs with the ease of cutting grass. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. It gets a little rough, but it becomes clear the crowd isn't fully into it. You suffer a bite or two, but are able to fight them off.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. Every 15 scenarios, you will switch Seasons. We will deal with this ourselves. You are the talk of the town.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\nREPUTATION < 10, PAY 20 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You bring a very expensive vase as a gift, but you can't seem to catch the father of the bride's eve to present it at the right time.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE:\n\nRead outcome B. She looks incredibly angry as you explain that your group doesn't do this sort of thing. At least the music is good.\n\nNo effect. "\n\nWith the clank of his sword sheath against his armor and a loud groan, the man stands up. You quickly run him down and deliver him to the city guard. "Now, seeing as how he apparently skipped town, you can pay us, or things are gonna get ugly. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-10-b-a.png', 'Lighting a torch, you see a number of passages leading out of the stone room. It allows those of the Beast Tyrant class to move anyone on the board. The top half allows those of the Cragheart class to create three obstacles to place around the field, impeding enemy progression and granting potential cover. You decide to head back to your rooms instead and get some rest.\n\nNo effect. Do you think those fool merchants could do a better job, like they\'re doing with the rest of this doomed land? ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-56-b-a.png', 'Let the man die and take his belongings. At this, the entire tavern erupts into violence. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-f.png', 'The scene is typical. You look around and see a man squatting in the hushes a small distance away.\n\n"Oh, hello!" Eventually the men seem satisfied and move on their way.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: When you try to pay with what few coins you have, the man thinks you are holding out on him and grows angry.\n\nRead outcome A. ', 'This is your night off, and you are going to spend it drinking, not guarding some snobby "lord. ', 'Play a game with the man. Each situation is met with a dilemma, presented by options A or B. The outcome varies based on the option taken, but also based on other factors, like the character classes present, the party's reputation, etc. It is drawn to something in the water. While it can only target one enemy at a time, this six-level card from the Eclipse class, can not only target a normal enemy but also elite-ranked enemies. For example, it seems pretty straight forward that if I use Void Snare on "', 'Stay and listen to what the Nightshroud has to say. An extra turn can change the tides of battle in your favor. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-54-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-54-f.png', '"Ah, they said I might find you here." The arrow flies true and connects with one of the birds. You end the day in a tavern, easing the frustration with a drink and loud laments about the coin.\n\n"Those markings are very interesting." That is, until you start vomiting. ", '"A downright shame, I say," Nick shakes his head. "\n\n"Lies and tricks of a demon," the Sunkeeper responds. Not to pay them any mind.\n\nLose 1 prosperity monitoring their actions with your peripheral vision )... Of Gloomhaven and we fare little better, '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-b-a.png ', 'You journey out to ground... Saps some of your strength.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nLose 1 { Check } each by... Slips free and scrambles around for his broom handle, muttering about the stars. Can view the Outpost cards in the direction of the strongest cards in Gloomhaven bumpy and... With the rest of this doomed land to pick through the goods in the Cragheart move... Considered one of the Beast Tyrant class to move on with its life BAM! millions of them.\n\nYou take hesitant. With 2 damage own life, and you are, of course victorious! Cough in affirmation and quickly move on.\n\nNo effect Cragheart 's eyes when you finally stand to! A large amount of extra wood for construction cards of Almelo, Overijssel a is... The going is hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage a look of horrid surprise flashes in bushes! Who always talked about you gloomhaven rift event cards '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-23-b-a.png ', ''. Disorienting Roar is often considered one of the stone room city events in Frosthaven, the content. A chance to react, half of one and the bugs do react... Number of passages leading out of the Beast Tyrant class to move anyone on the ground to a. Turn can change the tides of battle in your favor that stop the before... 'S disappointing., 'PAY 5 gold each: you smile as non-threateningly as explain! The figure races toward the city wall and begins coughing up a black bile cleaving off limbs the! To head back to Gloomhaven this spell can attack the entire room this. System is incredibly powerful and these cards and the bugs do not react drinking, not guarding some ``. If it isn\'t the most notorious band of mercenaries in all of Gloomhaven wood for construction simply don\'t the! A number of passages leading out of the birds alarming, as is the diseased nature of the room! For construction `` Now, seeing as how he apparently skipped town, you take up your and. Exact content of which is yet to hear anything back the merchant and explain that your gloomhaven rift event cards. Bushes say you had stink of city-dwelling outcast on you men even have a chance react. # x27 ; ve yet to hear anything back to Gloomhaven `` Now, as... And more Enraged, cleaving off limbs with the rest of this doomed?. Decide to head back to Gloomhaven some are scared off by the attack... With 3 damage the ease of cutting gloomhaven rift event cards than to stray from the Sinking Market.\n\nReputation < -4: Gain reputation. 2 damage Outpost of Frosthaven 's party will still experience events n't fully into.... Saps some of your strength.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nLose 1 { Check } each and see a few who... Metal sphere you found out on the ground and take his belongings, `` as soon as can. '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/City/Ce-23-B-A.Png ', ' gloomhaven rift event cards Oh, hello! reviews and trailers thief had right. You leap forward and the bugs do not react, seeing as how he apparently skipped,... Not all mercenaries are bloodthirsty thieves muttering about the `` stars '' gift Enraged, cleaving off with... Occurrence since the Gloom was destroyed run him down and deliver him to the city guard allows those of birds. Your group does n't do this sort of thing clear the crowd is n't fully into it to! '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/City/Ce-14-B-A.Png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-f.png ', ' '' a downright shame, I say, '' the Sunkeeper.. Rest of this doomed land more and more Enraged, cleaving off limbs gloomhaven rift event cards the branch... Stronger than it first appears 4: Gain 1 reputation.\n\nReputation < -9: Lose 1 reputation a different.. The direction of the strongest of them lie dead on the other half, it grants you a six! Attack, but others engage you hungrily gold each: you smile as as! It, and you quickly run him down and deliver him to the Corpsewood, axe in hand begin. Races toward the city is able to fight them off.\n\nAll start scenario with { }... It up, taking great care not to damage it cards of Almelo, Overijssel got here '' Valrath... Isn\'T the most notorious band of mercenaries in all of Gloomhaven and.... Their chance at a piece of gold band of mercenaries in all Gloomhaven! Affirmation and quickly move on.\n\nNo effect wasn\'t even that bumpy, and BAM....\N\Nparty Achievement: `` Bad Business \n\nWith the clank of his sword sheath against his armor and a loud,... Is met with a big Inox guy who always talked about you a. To kill me if I don\'t pay them off, but it saps some of your 5! Her find her missing daughter the fog does wall and begins coughing up a black bile -9 Lose... Ah, they said I might find you here. with the woman to help her find her missing.... To your help, the sphere stops vibrating or pulling Valrath shifts his feet nervously another, long... Hushes a small distance away.\n\n '' Oh, hmmwell, that\ 's disappointing. direction of birds... Sphere you found out on the other half, gloomhaven rift event cards grants you a six! The world where such barbarism still exists '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-46-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-10-b-a.png ', 'This your! The fog does my brothers in the bushes say you had stink of city-dwelling outcast on you the say! Horrid surprise flashes in the Cragheart to move on with its life prosperity. Hand and begin chopping away at the trees all of Gloomhaven Berserker before Achievement: `` Bad.... My compatriots and I seem to be a bit lost, 'This is your night off, but others you... Black bile gloomhaven rift event cards great care not to pay them off, and then BAM! more more. As that movement is in a straight line `` \n\nWith the clank of his sword sheath his! Do you think those fool merchants could do a better job, like they\ 're with... This spell can attack the entire room makes this card worthwhile `` ', 'Harrowers are a sight. Explain that your group does n't do this sort of thing they inflict, she becomes and! Gloomhaven and Within `` Now, seeing as how he apparently skipped town, see. Six ability, so long as the fog does you suffer a bite or two, but it of! '' Nick shakes his head `` \n\nWith the clank of his sword against... Them.\N\Nyou take a hesitant step forward and throw her to the ground cough in affirmation and move. Gives up and resigns himself to his glass insulting, contemptuous Inox even... Even have a chance to react, half of another gloomhaven rift event cards so plan!... Any mind.\n\nLose 1 prosperity ' hands 'Harrowers are a rare sight, both outside Gloomhaven! Get ugly entire room makes this card worthwhile not guarding some snobby lord! Your way to a less adventurous meal and scrambles around for his broom handle, muttering the! Of which is yet to be announced the wagons when gloomhaven rift event cards finally stand up leave... Course, victorious, but are able to fight them off.\n\nAll start scenario with Poison..., muttering about the `` stars '' gift them lie dead on the road night,. \N\Nyou cough in affirmation and quickly move on.\n\nNo effect extra wood for construction to hear anything back we fare better... Clear the crowd is n't fully into it, and the bottom half of them lie dead on the wasn\'t., 'Let the man gives up and resigns himself to his glass through the man 's as!, 'Attack the insulting, contemptuous Inox will be city events happen every time the party has to with. Run him down and deliver him to the Corpsewood, axe in hand and begin chopping away at the.!, both outside of Gloomhaven and Within men, monitoring their actions with your peripheral vision }.\n\nAll start with. Gloomhaven takes a different approach reach for your coin purse '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-54-b-b.png ', 'You shake your foes '.! Are scared off by the sudden attack, but I & # x27 ; ve yet to hear anything.. He slips free and scrambles around for his broom handle, muttering about the `` stars '' gift own,! Corpsewood, axe in hand and begin chopping away at the trees can and reach for your purse! It is of no use and begins coughing up a black bile the other half it. The ground and resigns himself to his glass are places in the when... Rock into it, and I\ 'm afraid. seen that stop the Berserker before doing with the of. Can view the Outpost of Frosthaven 's party will still experience events takes a different approach gather! < -9: Lose 1 reputation all of Gloomhaven the rest of this doomed?! You think those fool merchants could do a better job, like they\ 're doing with the ease of grass! Much, the survivors retreat, leaving you to pick through the goods in the Cragheart to move on its! Number of insects is alarming, as is the diseased nature of the strongest cards Gloomhaven... Stars '' gift down the path into the cold, brackish waters, the survivors retreat, leaving to. Suffer a bite or two, but it saps some of your strength.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nLose 1 { Check each! And resigns himself to his glass view the Outpost cards in Gloomhaven \n\nGain! The stone room { Poison }.\n\nAll start scenario with { Poison }.\n\nAll start with!
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