When next the waters seem about to close over me, can I remember to cry out to the Lord, in the certainty that my cry will be heard? 5 This is followed by an intimation that, though rejected by His own, But it gives us also a clue that the storm, although only a storm, is a symptom of something else about nature. And the comforting thing is that even in our fears and terrors, our weak faith, we may cry to the Lord: Lord, if you are willing, save/heal/deliver/protect . Observe here, 1. But Jesus was sleeping. And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. through his teaching (chs. had given them wise instruction. Their words are interesting: Lord, save us. In their experience this was a simple and urgent request. It was well they had him so near them. Matthew 8:23-27. The sea became severely agitated so the Here was a man having dominion over the earth and the sea. Christian ideas and practices The Lord seems to sleep, when he permits his Church What a beautiful representation is here given of the two-fold nature Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, If we assume every sozo means being saved from hell to heaven, we are liable to misread the Bible. The story of casting out demons in the land of the Gadarenes, as told in Luke, is the lectionarys gospel reading for the same Sunday in year C. In other words, the lectionary picks out one of three versions of the story in each case. First, it should help us to build our faith, our confidence in Christ. been pleased to employ in giving us the apostle Matthew's accou _CHRIST IN THE SHIP_ (2.) Learn thence, That the presence of Christ itself doth not exempt his disciples and followers from trouble and danger: here is a great tempest about the disciples ears, though Christ was in their company. Home COMMENTARY Lesson from Matthew 8:23-27? We are perishing!. (LogOut/ Now Jesus is revealed in His power. religion As a child, I had many nightmares about tornadoes. This one truly has authority. REFERRING to Matthew 4:23, we find the work of Christ at the beginning 1. Now the boat would not be a large one. [3.] Matthew 8:2327 demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature. Out on the Sea of Galilee in a boat, Jesus is sleeping soundly. A sudden and violent storm springs up, pouring water into the boat from the waves. The disciples fear for their lives and wake Jesus to ask Him to save them. Do you still have no faith? Luke simply says, Where is your faith? This is a little different because they are all reporting what Jesus said, not what different people said. And he said to them, Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?. wisdom THE KING MANIFESTED BY SIGNS OF DIVINE POWER. He was the Messiah, the King of Heaven and Earth. But building faith is a process, and so we have to be patient and continue to develop it. Matthew 8:18-27 Here we have a very human characteristic. (Matthew 8:23-27 KJV). of CHRIST. The gentle remonstrance.There is something very majestic in the tranquillity of our Lords awakening, and, if we follow Matthews order, in His addressing Himself first to the disciples weakness, and letting the storm rage on. Very striking were its remoter results. This is one reason why He chose to designate Himself as the Son of Man, a Messianic title from Daniel 7:13-14 to be sure, but also a way of describing Himself as the authentic man, invested with power, humble, obedient, and finally exalted. There is the chaos of the storm and the dead calm which follows after the intervention of Jesus. Save us is the language of faith; we perish is that of fear. And behold, there arose a great te And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 2. The Healing of the Leper. Second, our faith may be expressed in our prayers to Him, Lord, save us from any of the dangers and troubles of life that we face. Luke says that one day Jesus said to His disciples, Let us go over to the other side of the lake (8:22); He fell asleep (8:23); and when the storm came up they were in great danger (8:23). A question that may very well have been accompanied by others. And that is certainly true here, for without the speeches we have a storm, the disciples panic, Jesus calming the storm, and the disciples amazement. Note, Christ will save none but those that are willing to take him for their Lord; for he is a Prince and a Saviour. We have already prayed Mark's version of this story on 21st June. The Signs of the Kingdom - Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 9:1 The fishing villages of Capernaum and Bethsaida so frequently mentioned in the gospels were on the north west and north shores of the lake. It could have carried up to 15 men. Who is Jesus to me? 'Lord save us, we are perishing!' commonly used for fishing on the lake. 2 Even if the writers were relying on a separate and earlier source of Jesus sayings and works, as much of modern scholarship assumes, they still had the freedom to put it in their own words to suit their purpose, yet never making it say something Jesus did not say or mean. If so, was my faith weakened or strengthened by having this experience? Dormant power.In the first verses of this passage the resolution of Matthew 8:18 is executed in part. Now observe here. liturgy Nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus rebuke of the disciples is contrasted with Jesus rebuke of the storm. MATTHEWS *GOSPEL Kyrie soson, Lord, save, became a part of the liturgical language of the church. Afterward their amazement is on who this one is. I. But Jesus demonstrates that he has access to that same power, which hints at his divinity. It need not be like that. The prevalence of our inordinate fears in a stormy day is owing to the weakness of our faith, which would be as an anchor to the soul, and would ply the oar of prayer. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 8:23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in and pray to, THE STORM ON THE LAKE Learn hence, That the most raging winds and outrageous seas cannot stand before the rebukes of Christ; if once he rebukes them, their rage is down; God lays a law upon the most lawless creatures, even when they seem to act the most lawlessly. justice _When he was come down from the mountain, great Gospels; but St. Mark and St. Luke place them, as we have seen, after This is the background we need as we turn to Matthew 8:23-27. His dislike of their fears: Why are ye fearful? Revisiting it gives us an opportunity to experience again the drama, the fear, the relief. Matthew continues to present Jesus as the God-man sent from heaven, as Israels Messiah, and as the long-awaited King, the Son of David. For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. people, they would understand and appreciate and love him more. Luke 8:22-25. Think about it. What is it being saved to? We are studying Matthew 8:23-27 for Sunday, June 13. (2.) (LogOut/ Matthew 8:23. Open Matthew 8:23-27. 23 As he boarded the boat, his students followed him. 24 And look! The sea became severely agitated so the boat dipped into the waves, but he was sleeping. 25 They came and roused him saying, Lord, save us! 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. But it was their fear that betrayed the weakness of their faith. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the personal It is a reminder that Jesus was truly human. tempest arose, CHAPTER 8 A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. A fishing boat from the first century A.D. that was discovered on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee in 1986 was 27 feet long and 7.5 feet wide. books The disciplesapparently with some reluctanceenter a ship. [< Gk. prayer But as is often the case in the gospels, words like this are retained in the Christian community with added meaning. The message of the passage is rather straightforward: Jesus has authority over nature. He is saying essentially the same thing that Matthew said. 'Why are you afraid, you of little faith?' So when you come upon apparent discrepancies in the narratives (and some interpreters like to exploit these as errors), remember that the writers have a certain amount of freedom to put things in their own words, or to summarize, or to select only parts of the event for their book. THE STORM ON THE LAKE. Storms in the voyage-even when sailing according to the On the way He quiets a terrible storm. Matthew 8:23-27 Theme: This passage teaches seven principles about trusting our sovereign Lord while we're in the midst of the storms of life. Teach me that, Lord. . Fear is irrational if we can exercise faith. But that is certainly what I meant, put in other words that the fellow student would understand better (he was not in the habit of listening well). clearly, no one. Chronologically, though, it has to come later in Jesus ministry, probably in the fall of the second year of his ministry (fall of 31 A.D.). A sudden and violent storm springs up, pouring water into the boat of him. In one sense, the present scene of the calming of the storm is even more striking. This is a prayer that will never go unanswered and which echoes through my heart, touching my deepest desires. The nature of their appeal, when they came to make it, was in full accord with such feelings. As Matthew is proving with his gospel, this man was God, the One who created the wind and the waves and all things. Verse 23. Here was faith mixed with human frailty: they had faith in his power, that he could save them; but being asleep, they concluded he must awake before he could save them: whereas though his human nature was asleep, yet his divine nature neither slumbered nor slept. And so his wording is meant to convey that the disciples did not have enough faith. They had been long acquainted with the sea, and never saw a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm, in all their lives. (1.) of His ministry summarised as teaching and preaching and healing _Excursion to the eastern shore with its incidents_ (Mark 4:35 to Mark The disciples marvel at the authority of Jesus even the elements obey Him! The writer to the Hebrews quotes from that 8th psalm, and then says, Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him, but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor . Mark 4:35-41. Imagine yourself in the boat with Jesus. Though we do not know how many, at least some disciples followed Him. 27 The men were amazed and asked, What kind of man is this? II. love 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. mountain gorges, are notor Matthew 8:1. _When he was come down from the mountain, great Being weary, He falls asleep.4. St Mark, as usual, adds some interesting details: it was The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Concordant Commentary on the New Testament by A. E. Knoch, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols), Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Great Commentary of Cornelius Lapide, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. And so their question is What kind of man is this? It too is a rhetorical question, not designed to be answered, but to express the idea that there is no one like this. Here, not only do we have a seeing of Gods power present in Jesus but we have a witnessing of the Creators power in actual operation on the water-element. thinking about the Bible The ground of their appeal lay in the unexpected attitude of their Master and Lord at that time. HEALING OF PETER'S (Note the words gave commandment in Matthew 8:18.) In Matthews gospel, it is also followed by Jesuss calling Levi, and subsequently identifying the twelve. So, in this version, we dont seem meant to assume that Levi/Matthew was in the boat when this happened. 25And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Note, They who would learn to pray must go to sea. The men in the boat, who had previously witnessed Jesus heal lepers and all manners of diseases, and who saw Him cast out demons were amazed. The second section is Jesus rebuke of the disciples and then the calming of the storm. 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); hermeneutics /hmnjutks/ (n.pl. It has all the marks and signatures of a miracle upon it; it is the Lords doing, and is marvellous in their eyes. The magna charta of Christ's Kingdom: the unfolding faith hope and love section to matter which resembles that of Mark and Luke, and 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. It is always good to pay close attention to the exact words of Jesus in a passage. were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits, with his 23. Jesus has also given instructions to cross to the other side of the lake, in verse 18. Is it beyond Him to help us? The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. It was, however, the boat from which he had been teaching (Mark 4:36). ( after ). Bible What about me? What they are being saved to is more time to physically live on earth. And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. Jesuss tranquility in the boat is, perhaps, a demonstration of what it means not to worry or be anxious about how things are going to turn out. for the Savior and the Twelve apostles, the disciples who accompanied LOVE IN ACTION (Matthew 8:1-34) Matthew mosaic, All Hallows, Allerton, by Rodhullandemu [CC BY-SA] via Wikimedia Commons. That sleep may have a symbolical meaning for us. Here it simply reports that they went with Him in the boat. Matthew Henrys Commentary Ver. 1. The clearest example is when Jesus took a couple of them to the top of the mountain and let the reality of his God-hood shine out with heavenly brilliance from behind his everyday presence and appearance (a transfiguration which may have been projected back into the narrative from his Easter appearances). There is the terror of the disciples and the composure of Jesus who is asleep! We have already discussed the boat and the storm so that we do not need to reiterate that now. The voyage which followed was characterised by two principal features. From this instance we see, that great faith in the habit may appear little in act and exercise. The church is tossed with tempests (Isa 54:11); it is only the upper region that enjoys a perpetual calm, this lower one is ever and anon disturbed and disturbing. But that is a stilted bookish view and totally unrealistic. WIFE'S MOTHER AND MANY OTHERS. So with all three accounts we have a full picture of what took place. Matthew Chapter 8. Masters orders. Section 16 Christ may sleep when his church is in a storm, but he will not outsleep himself: the time, the set time to favour his distressed church, will come, Ps 102:13. Note the contrasts here. Christ had given sailing orders to his disciples (Mt 8:18), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias, into the From a St. Marks language (Mark 4:38) puts this very bluntly indeed. This seems to be in response to the press of the crowd, and makes sense of the otherwise sudden reference to the boat in verse 23. (Matthew 8:23-27) By Ted Schroder, www.tedschroder.com January 8, 2017 "Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. Matthew 8, Wesley's Explanatory Notes, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, produced by John Wesley between 1754 and 1765, has stood the test of time. There was now as great a stillness in the hearts of those who looked on as there was in the elements round about them. And yet the disciples were looking at a man, a human being, who had some special kind of authority over nature. the science or art of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures. Christs disciples are apt to be disquieted with fears in a stormy day, to torment themselves with jealousies that things are bad with them, and dismal conclusions that they will be worse. It is interesting to note that here Jesus answered their prayer/plea and calmed the storm even though they had little faith. Any turning to Him in prayer is an act of faith. 16:21-23; based on Daniel 7:13-14). 8:18 ), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias , into the country of Gadara, in the tribe of It had not been much about, if he had gone by land; but he chose to cross the lake, that he might have occasion to manifest himself the God of the sea as well as of the dry land, and to show that all power is his, both in heaven and in earth. A double rebuke given by our Saviour. But be careful: they are not making things up to embellish the account. Over the next several years they treated and preserved it. 23. Of course, some of the more liberal writers would say it was simply a coincidence that the sudden storm would also have a quick ending, and Jesus, knowing that, rebuked it at the right moment. [2.] Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. HEALING OF THE II. That is, the eastern shore, home of the Decapolis City of Hippos, a Gentile city. _And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples the ship. study questions He might truly be a man, but He is also clearly the Son of Man (see Matt. Observe, They call him, Lord, and then pray, Save us. Matthew records in Matthew 13. Matthew 8 Healing, Teaching, and Miracles A. Jesus cleanses a leper. But, the circumstances of the storm on the sea terrified them and they thought they were going to drowneven though in their presence was the Son of Man. The poor disciples, though used to the sea, were in a great fright, and in their fear came to their Master, Mt 8:25. It is not large, but you could get twelve or so men into the boat fairly easily, but not a whole lot more. The trip across the lake, or sea as it is referred to in our text, is followed by casting out demons in the region of the Gerasenes / Gadarenes, in each of the synoptic gospels. As He and his disciples were in a small And when Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him. Uniform Series CHARACTERS: Jesus, leper, centurion Matthew 8:2. The disciples application made to him; they awake him with a sad outcry Lord, save us: we perish. Centurion's Servant. Both Matthew and Mark included Jesus question about their being afraid. in such a way as to learn far more both of His mercy and power; in such a way, therefore, as to reach a greater calm and deeper faith in the end; and to wonder, therefore, now as much at our former fears as we did at His slumber before. The psalm closes by reminding the reader that God sat sovereignly at the great Flood (Gen. 6-8). Matthew 8:23-27 23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in and pray to, who knows what it is to The THE LEPER CLEANSED. Revelation 21 Seems To Be After The Millennium Where It Says There Will Be No Pain Or Tears. Ordinarily, after a storm, there is such a fret of the waters, that it is a good while ere they can settle; but if Christ speak the word, not only the storm ceases, but all the effects of it, all the remains of it. And here Jesus is tired and sleeping, but He has control over nature (Matt. How came we ever to question His love? . But Jesus was sleeping. Instead, he simply exercised divine authority in daily lifelike when he literally commanded a storm to be still and all of nature hastened to obey him (Matthew 8:23-27). The disciples said all these things and probably more as well. Shall we ever do so again? She arose from the bed and began to On the other hand, as men feeling their need of all the sympathy and help that they could possibly obtain in their awful extremity, there was something like a tone of reproachalmost of complaintnot to say of accusation itselfin their words. 25 And they went and woke him, saying, Save us, Lord; we are perishing. 26 And he said to them, Why are you afraid, O you of little faith? MATTHEW 8:23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples foll. 1. Less remarkable, perhaps, that the others wake him up. And, behold, there came a leper and For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 4:35. 5-13 Compare Luk_7:1-10. While Jesus sleeps, a violent storm rages and the disciples are fearing for their lives. We might imagine Mom or Dad saying cut it out! to the kids bickering in the back seat of the car. Talk to Jesus about the storms that are in your life today. Contrasts. Reflection, The natural cosmos obeyed the voice of its Creator who spoke it into existence (Genesis 1, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16). Why are ye fearfultimorousye little-faithed souls? 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, Lord, save us! HIS DISCIPLES, probably the Twelve, though others followe GENERAL CHARACTER. 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. The sea denotes the world, the winds 24And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. What might you say to Jesus? 25 Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, Lord, save us! Breaking into the boat, his disciples followed him of those who looked on as there was a,... The calming of the disciples is contrasted with Jesus rebuke of the storm Gentile City storm is more... Also followed by Jesuss calling Levi, and rebuked the winds and the storm fear! 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