And those prayers that are said in earnest, that mean something to you, that should mean something to our Father, shall be answered. Even your Lord, God, should not do unto this of thee. It had been before. Where no water has flown water shall flow. For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. Many earth changes shall occur. Your Father gives you these words. Remember something, son, that each one of these people that I worked with were individuals, and each one of these here readings that I gave were for different people. Thestrike-slipearthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are a result of this plate motion. A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. There is no specific mention of California falling into the ocean in the Bible. New lands should rise in the Pacific. And as I have said before, and I say not as I, but as we, for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. At this time, those who do not change shall be no more. Aka, do you have a special message for us tonight?. And as we tell of you this, then do it at once, for the water on your earth for a short time shall be foul, and no man, beast or animal, or the bird, or the fowl, or even that of the sea shall be able to drink of this. But the children of God shall fear not, for the angels shall hover above your earth and gather, as once before, the lambs of earth. But as I have spoke of the birth of a child, the birth of the return of the Messiah of earth a child shall be born, for he shall lead the souls of the earth plane, as he shall lead the souls of our plane. And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. USGS scientists can only calculate the probability that a significant earthquake will occur (shown on our hazard mapping) in a specific area within a certain number of years. There have been dozens of smaller earthquakes in the area since 1906, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred in 2003 and caused some damage in Desert Hot Springs. For even as this finishes, he shall enter the kingdom of God in not the highest plane. As it has been said before, there are thoughts in thy mind. It is impossible to generate an earthquake of magnitude 10 or higher. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. But remember these words, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, for in our Fathers eyes there is no death. And it shall be caused from explosions under the sea. If man should kill another man, then this man shall be killed into himself, and he shall give of his own punishment. At that time, this land as thy know it now shall start sinking. But for their own personal drinking water, build thy slough, as thy would call it. For as the descendants of Abraham, God should change each pebble upon the earth. The parable that Aka said Ray read this day, June 7, 1980, was the prophecy below, that Aka gave, March 17, 1972, on the coming of the Messiah. (more details here). Do I have work to do there?, We shall answer your question in this manner. For, as Jesus reached the Christ state, and went to God to dwell in His mansion, so should all man dwell in Gods mansions. And that healing shall come about, for the times and the half times shall be over at that time. And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One. If you live in California, here are five things to keep in mind: To prepare for an earthquake, contact your states emergency management agency. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Fathers hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And you went unto the Master and said, Master, what should I do now? And the Master looked unto you and said, You have learned much. The Eagle is in flight.. The Earth was inclined and he was searching for me. [124233Goddard, Kansas] asks, What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?. August 28, 1970: Now, at this time, we should tell you more of what thy call prayer. California PROPHECY: "California Disappeared" Will Cali Fall into the ocean? We are not great; we are but messengers. Desert Hot Springs, San Bernardino, Wrightwood, Palmdale, Gorman, Frazier Park, Daly City, Point Reyes Station, and Bodega Bay are just a few of the communities that are directly affected by this fault. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20.]. Yes, a little rare beef in her diet, yes, for you see, even in the animal which was Gods creation, it must have nourishment. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even [for] the Christ state. Indeed, over the course of the Sun's 11-year variable cycle, the Electromagnetic variations have been observed after earthquakes, but despite decades of work, there is no convincing evidence of electromagnetic precursors to earthquakes. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. The people in the kayaks/ canoes represent that there will no longer be land. Meaning skyscrapers are going to fall that the shape of the United States will change after that earthquake. Now, we should say unto the water. In your case, build it 36 feet long. What Kind of Movement Has Occurred Along the San Andreas Fault? Therefore, we should say unto thee at this time, during the months, as thy would count, of July and August, continuing through the month of October, we find that in thy present area another of Gods warnings should soon reach down onto thy earth, and therefore, we find great danger for Gods children. What is now known proportions of the British Isles shall sink into the sea; other land shall rise. Even if an earthquake of major magnitude occurred on the San Andreas Fault, there would be no significant damage in San Francisco. This should go farther over. The stress caused by this movement can result in devastating. And I was wondering if this was a real conversation with him, or was this just my imagination? We would say unto this soul, this program you have spoke upon would make a great deal of material money. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. ], But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the valley of the Salton Sea. The "15-minute city" concept is crucial in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and their Net Zero green agenda. It would be suggested in both their cases that one should study first the works of John, that the other should study first the works of Peter. In the land of your Mid-Eastern states, earthquakes shall be centered in that region. According to Nostradamus, approximately 70% of his predictions have turned out to be correct. But the safest place that thy can find shall be within thyself and in thy soul. An event of that magnitude would kill millions of people because Los Angeles and other coastal areas would be completely destroyed, which explains why Byron was told, "Many people will perish this day and hell will be enlarged." One time, and I think its only once in the four books I think theres four books to the New Testament that he mentions the kingdom of God is within you. There are many there that wont only can see whats so close to their nose. The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean. . But due to the fact that thy would use certain parts of this in the work of God, we shall give this information at this time. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. Civilization shall not disappear; it shall only be interrupted for a short time., [Editors note: Remember that Jesus said, Of that day and hour not even the angels of heaven know, not even the Son, only the Father. See parts of Matthew, chapter 24 below. One moment, please. And it seems to me that there must be more than one meaning. Yet your thoughts were to return back to your homeland to warn your people of these warring people who were advancing. Then we would say these things into thee. Whether you shall remain or stay must come from within your own self. Would you care to answer them for us?. Scientists continue to discover new faults in California, which has thousands of known faults. A fault runs about 30 miles from the city, which is located in a relatively weak region of the Earths crust. Cayce says: Now, it shall be told. Does anyone remember a 'prophecy' (or myth) about California being submerged into the ocean due to wickedness by way of earthquakes and rising tides? We said unto you, give prayer that the water might enter and cushion the effect. After the waters recede in Genesis, God makes a promise to Noah: Never again will I destroy any living creature. Who sank in the sea? We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And those things that belong on the earth shall stay on the earth, and those things that belong in heaven shall stay in heaven. The devastation of the 1862 flood, its effects magnified by a brutal drought that started immediately afterward and lasted through 1864, "delivered the final blow," Jelinek writes. As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake will hit Los Angeles or the San Francisco Bay Area by 60 percent and 72 percent, respectively, over the next 30 years. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh. Hello this is [], In 2005, this was a word given to Maurice about California: I will shake California in a warning, [], It struck after Thanksgiving, and before Christmas, Patti Young I was given a vision 5 years ago.I was [], This prophecy most certainly caught my attention! But the tilt shall not come yet. Scientists predict that a magnitude-10 earthquake will occur on the Hayward Fault within the next 30 years, after a magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck this area on April 18, 1989. Is there any reading, or [anything] there any of us should do to take special precautions in our trips?. That is thy free choice. [See The Revelation, chapters 48 and 1419.]. Get to the mountains. For those who should try, their souls shall be with Lucifer. Soon after they arrived with the brightest light in the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, lovingly told, on May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Only you yourselves may do this. Now, we would talk, as thy would call it, thy karma. Helena [St. Helens] shall erupt again and again. For God loves thy children, and cries for His children. Thank you, ah, Aka, I was talking to a man, [52170004], here in Globe, about some property; it would be northwest of the Old Dominion Mine. Make the decision to walk in the light of God. We have spoken words unto thee; go back then, if thy must, into the beginning. Last Tuesday, we went to Phoenix and saw some last Tuesday we went to Phoenix and asked, uh, and seen some film on psychic surgery, and we was wondering if you had anything to say on this?. But as yet the tremors have already started in other parts of the world. Then on December 26, 2004, at the precise time the 9.1 magnitude earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused a series of tsunamis that devastated the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, spirit sent from God spoke these words: As in the days of Noah They literally spoke the first words of the next verse in Matthew 24:3738 As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Can you give her anything on that this evening?. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. Then we would say unto thee, cast not a stone, but only a blessing upon your earth. There is no way for thy to destroy anything. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face. It would still be suggested at this time that thy or one of thy group should bring him from trance state. But they are not the worst. Blessed are those with patience. You can find out whats going on in the world by listening to KHTS, which combines news, traffic, sports, and features with your favorite adult contemporary hits. Aka had warned about land rising in the Imperial valley which could later cause the Colorado River to change its course. 25:1022, 26:131, 31:118, 32:2534, 33:523, 34:111, 29, 35:119, 37:119, 38:21, 39:3043, 40:135, 2 Samuel 22:716, Ezekiel 21:1116, 40:14, 41:1326, 43:17, and The Revelation, chapters 47, 13:1118, 15:24, 17:78, 19:116, and chapters 2022.]. Frequent damage has long plagued the PCH. GET YOUR BOAT READY E-COURSE@ go to STORE PROPHECY NOW PODCAST:Spotify:**GIVE**spiritmoveministry.coPayPal: to give: Text the word GIVE to (888) 250-7018MAIL Checks to: 4540 Corner Brook Ln. His spiritual messengers say He wants us to build the new heaven and a new earth upon this earth, and to fulfill His plan for the thousand years of peace, as He counts so we may receive the Messiah when he comes. For now [unto] your three-year period, this danger shall stand. May 14, 1971: Yes, we see thy need. Then, should come the breaking away of part of the Mediterranean area, and then the breaking away of the European area, but before this should happen, the breaking away of that that you call the New York peninsula. In the Mediterranean area, land shall rise from the earth. But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]. [Editors note: Cinder was Rays dog.]. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. It, your earth, shall gradually become closer to what is known as your sun. And what would such a disaster mean for the rest of the country? The earths shift is inevitable. Think thee this as we have said before that Aka was born at the same time as soul Ray, therefore, could he not be born in five places upon this earth? Very soon, the discovery of the cosmic magnetic rays shall be known and thy universe shall be open to mankind. Prepare a way for others. . All of these things must come first. These prophecies and many more can be found in the book, Universal Philosophy, in the Book with Wings series. The date they spoke them is beside their words printed in bold. According to the Bible, Nostradamus predicted the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler and the world's end. So theres a way of saying, Okay, I have time, but that doesnt mean it wont be an earthquake tomorrow 7.5 you know, or next week or two weeks from now have some magnitude. Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. The first question I have is regarding the earthquakes. You might want to make a few predictions about the coming year in California. Your email address will not be published. We should say that the completion of the work that shall be done in that area [by] the year of 1998 shall be no more. And in His kingdom, where do we fit? Fear not. Do solar flares or magnetic storms (space weather) cause earthquakes? And here once again it shall change, for not a pebble upon this earth shall remain the same. But remember, thy Father does not forget your prayers. Thy judgment shall come from each soul, from each spirit. We really are coming into Psalm 91 when 1,000 may fall at our side and 10,000 over here. In that proportion of the Californians, the central proportion of the same, earthquakes shall arrive. Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide? The new mothers shall leave the buildings without clothing to protect them. [See Matthew 24:19.]. We are here to prepare a way, and in the preparing of this way, we should tell all of Gods children of this message for, as a brook shall flow, the Seven Spirits of our Father shall flow upon your earth; and as a brook shall flow into a river, the message shall flow from the river unto the ocean and into the many lands upon your world. And, as your journey went forward up into the Eagles nest, and there you should see the wedding of the Eagle, and you knew the full meaning of Gods words. Rise and fall of Adolf Hitler and the earth note: Cinder was dog! The kingdom of God within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the United Nations Agenda 2030 their! Buildings without clothing to protect them from France into Israel aka had warned about rising... Can you give prophecy california falling into ocean anything on that this evening? find shall be no damage! Rebuild the earth and those from the earth, God, should not do unto this soul this... 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