Slang to arrest. v1 When I look up to the hills I find no help there. The pillar-cloud of the Divine presence was always there, night and day; and never anything could happen to Israel that was not divinely permitted. The Lord will keep you safe from all evil; he will take care of your soul. Do not fear him, declares the LORD, for I am with you, to save you and to deliver you from his hand.. This page last updated: December 13, 2022. LORD ~ the covenant name for God (in a covenant you agree II. "The Lord shall keep thy going out and thy coming in." They knew their strength and their help. Psalm 121:7 (BBE) To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. By his wonderful overrulings, which constantly turn seeming evil into real and permanent good. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. Only when he looks beyond them do they become his security; for then God makes them such. Praise to God for His gracious acts. He not only sees things, but sees the significance of things. Deu 28:6; 1 Samuel 29:6; The psalm may be understood literally, as a prayer of the persecuted who has taken refuge in the temple, or figuratively, of one who has taken refuge in God. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. All sins shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost; for Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. THE MOON IS THE TYPE OF THE SECRET PERILS OF THE GODLY LIFE. In this "God's thoughts are not as our thoughts." Psalms 121:8. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. But if God be ableas he isto impart that same and even greater inward happiness, peace, and joy by other means, and does so, as, blessed be his Name! They look for good. He guards your life. To get what Psalm 121:7 means based on its source text, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. The one that *guards Israel will never sleep. Man's enterprise may bring him into situations of bodily danger. Far from the busy crowd. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. This expression is evidently borrowed from the blessing on obedience given in Deuteronomy 28:6, "Blessed shall thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shall thou be when thou goest out." We must not only look around, but above, must "lift up our eyes to the hills, from whence cometh our help," for our "help cometh from the Lord" (Psalms 121:1, Psalms 121:2). The words "slumber" and "sleep" are not climactic. Psalms 121:3.The ministering priest answers him, "He will not suffer thy foot to be moved." Where does my help come from (Psalm 121:1)? I. WORLD-DRAWN, WE LOOK DOWN, AND SO ARE WEAK. The notes explain some of the words with a *star by them. Psalms 121:1. The LORD will keep you from all evil. By his merciful defendings: "No plague shall come nigh thy dwelling." God takes eternity into view; we think only of the present. It is in the form of a dialogue.. Ver. He guards your life. The LORD will protect you from all evil; God will protect your very life. As a song sung by travelers, this is particularly relevant for the trust The moral possibilities that are in all events. My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Not from the evil of affliction, though from that as a penal evil; or as a real one, it being made to What does it mean that my help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121:2)? This same God is the One from Whom our help comes. It is his *covenant name. God agreed to *protect his Psalm 121:7 (ASV) So let mountains stand for the supreme self-efforts a man may make in his times of distress; he must be brought to the assured conviction that they cannot bring him safety. It might have been written by a Daniel, as he sat at his open window, and looked away over the broad, fiat plains of Babylon toward the distant mountain-land of Israel. It never ceases but it is replenished every dawn (Lamentations 3:2223). No one can snatch Gods sheep out of his hand (John 10:2730), and the one who has justified will never again condemn (Romans 8:3334). I have seen in Africa the newly littered young perish in a few hours, if exposed to the rays of the full moon. Oar wants go so far, and strike so deep, that human sympathy does not avail; it falls short; we need more than it can bring. Psalm 121:38 continues the theme of God's protection of His people. Checking. Perhaps it is best regarded as a psalm of the Exile. "which is omnipotent.". Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse. But to pass on to what is of more importance, the truth itself of God's sure keeping, let us. Are we to give up our faith in the blessed guardianship of God, and to consign to the category of credulity the trust which this psalm encourages? Look up, and grow strong. II. God always sees in events that happen persons acting; and in their motives and moods and wills he sees evil or good. GOD MISSES WHAT MAN SEES. Look in Psalm 120 about the covenant. And then there are brought forward the long array of facts which seem to make against the truth of this word. THE PROMISE IS NOT FOR EVERY COMMUNITY, BUT FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD. "Our help cometh from the Lord."S.C. IV. This psalm is best taken as expressing the pious confidence of an individual believer, who addresses his inner self in words of comfort which are framed as if proceeding from another person. And is not that just what we need? Latin writers call the right side "latus aperture.". My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. The Lord will protect you from all danger; he will keep you safe. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. Might stood for right, and hence the "going out and coming in" of Israel in those days was ever attended with much peril. Psalms 121:7. We need to be kept of God. Every Christian faces challenges. As asserted in Psalm 94:1618: Who stands up for me against evil doers? He will watch over your life. 5 The Lord watches over you. one that *guards you from all danger. 1. The right hand is the working hand; let them but turn to their duty, and they shall find God ready to give them success. Read full chapter. Psalm 122. Coming to the House of the LORD and the City of God. Psalm 122 carries the title A Song of Ascents. Of David. It is one of the four Songs of Ascents that is specifically attributed to King David. He wrote it both for what Jerusalem was in his day, and for what it would become under his son and their successors. Use the buttons below to get details on the Hebrew word and view related Bible verses that use the same root word. He "will not slumber," etc. 5. upon thy right hand--a protector's place ( Psalms 109:31 , 110:5 ). I was surprised to find that the word combination depicting the stumbling step in verse 3 is never used in Scripture of physical falling. v2 My help comes from the *LORD. Psalm 121:7 (RSVA) It is the inward happiness and peace and joy which these things impart which gives them their value. He is a wakeful, watchful Keeper; he is never weary; he not only does not sleep, but he does not so much as slumber. Were on a mission to change that. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. I. A v2 My help comes from "All evil." There shall not be even a slip of the foot, a thing so common in mountainous lands, and often so perilous, and the keeping shall be night and day alike, and close at hand (Psalms 121:5). Not the universal, but the general rule. From this time forth, and even forevermore; i.e. The psalmist is, as it were, holding a colloquy with himself. 2017 QuotesCosmos Home About Privacy Terms Principles Sitemap Contact. preserve, but prosper in all, ( Psalms 1:3 ) ; the Lord Look up; you will feel the heaven-breath upon your face. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. It is inconceivable that we can be placed in any circumstances or conditions which are unknown to him. KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT. What is the context of Psalms 121:7? The same verb is used throughout. THE GREATNESS OF OUR NEED. The first verse is a call to God in deep sorrow, from out of the depths or out of the deep, as it is translated in the King James Version of the Bible and the Coverdale translation (used in the Book of Common Prayer) respectively. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. But whatever be its form, our God can "keep" us true, pure, holy. It seems to be the one universal power that this sin-smitten world possesses over its creaturesit bends their shoulders, it bows their heads, it gives, it keeps, the downward look. God helps every Christian in tough times. And what do we see when we look down? He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. Psalms 121:8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. hills. 2023 Caniry - All Rights Reserved Is this Jehovah or Yahweh or YHWH or Yahua? "All things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." Sorrow has its snares, and so has joy. THE EVER-WATCHFUL WATCHMAN UNDERSTANDS. THE MOUNTAINS CAN DIRECT US WHERE TO FIND HELP AND SAFETY. nor the moon by night--poetically represents the dangers of the night, over which the moon presides ( Genesis 1:16 ). Psalm 121:7 (ESV) The daily renewed gift of life carries with it the gift of all the life will need day by day. It is only an agency for securing evil or good. he will not sleep. Whereas verse 3 suggests your Guardian will not slumber now, verse 4 stresses Israels Guardian will never slumber nor sleep. Rather, all four of its other occurrences employ it figuratively for someone who is (or anticipated being) overcome by divine judgment (Deuteronomy 32:35), personal sin or weakness (Psalm 38:16[17]), or enemy oppression (Psalm 66:9; 94:18). "Going out" was a synonym for sorrow; "coming in," for gladness and joy. We must see all our help in God; from him we must expect it, in his own way and time. "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills," etc. connection with him: such an one was Jacob in the house of Laban, Mr. Martin says, "Of the effects of the moon on animal life very many instances could be cited. He will keep thee in life and death; going out to thy labour in the morning of thy days, and coming home to thy rest when the evening of old age calls thee in. 8The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Is it Jesus or Yeshua? The hurry and bustle of thousands who are hasting to be rich. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul ( Psalms 121:6-7 ). The LORD guards you from every evil. "*Protect And it is the fact for most thoughtfully disposed persons, that more help is gained for pious meditation from mountain districts than from the changeableness of the sea, or the varying but ever-gentle beauty of the landscapes. The LORD will protect you from all evil; God will protect your very life. The Lord shall keep thee inwardly and outwardly soul and body alike, from all evil and in all thy ways. II. Psalm 121:7 (NRSA) Psalm 121:7 (CJB) ); plagiarize. II. Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from? Old Testament. And for ourselves the promise holds good. We have sometimes to face the future, and then we confront: 1. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Also, he would *protect My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.". It is not that he expects help from the mountainshis hope is fixed on him who made the mountains. We naturally and rightly look to our kindred and to our friends for sympathy and succor. This is true in the physical sphere. The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. Psalm 121:7 (HNV) What is the value of all God's providential mercies, his blessed keeping of us in health and external well-beingwhat is the value of it except for the effect it has upon our minds? "thy defense." We ask the question: who is 'the LORD'? The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. III. Along with ensuring our perseverance (verse 3a), the Lord Believe it. Should Christians Play the Charlie Charlie Game? It is a time congregations grant clergy as a period of rest and reflection to take leave of ones responsibilities. For Israel was a people that had known what it was to go out to drear and dreadful exile, and that more than once. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. They cannot render us all the help we need. Hashem shall preserve thee from kol rah; He shall preserve thy nefesh. Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse. For man evil is calamity. All rights reserved. It has been proved, beyond a doubt, that the moon smites as well as the sun, causing blindness for a time, and even the distortion of the features. Information based on Strong's Exhaustive Concordance[1]. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; or, "keep thee." We are not required to ascend the mountainous track to Jerusalem, thrice yearly to plead for forgiveness and mercy, for we have the Spirit of God residing forever in our hearts and by the sacrifice of Christ's blood, we have access into the holy throne-room of God every moment of the day. Meat, when exposed to the moonbeams, becomes quickly tainted. Fish become rapidly putrid, and meat, if left exposed, incurable or unpreservable by salt. Certainties; duties, difficulties, vexations, trials, temptations, opportunities. If he were but free from the answering of his moral evil, nothing that could happen would be a real calamity.R.T. The term "soul" stands often in the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments for the animal life; but we use it for that spiritual being which man is, as distinguished from that bodily form which man has. 7The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Our soul is kept from the dominion of sin, the infection of error, the crush of despondency, the puffing up of pridekept from the world, the flesh, and the devil; kept for holier and greater things, kept in the love of God, kept unto the eternal kingdom and glory." And in the New Jerusalem, one of its sweetest promises was that its people should "go no more out forever." The Lord will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life. God will keep him then. The Being who framed man's wonderful nature would naturally provide for its great wantsthe wants he had himself created. This is the same He shall preserve thy soul; or, keep thy soul. Amazing Promises. Psalm 121:7 (WEB) When the psalmist declared, therefore, He will not allow your foot to slip, he was most likely speaking of the perseverance of the saints. It can be through Scripture, sermons, articles, podcasts, or any other means He chooses. 5. upon thy right hand -- a protector 's place ( psalms 121:6-7 ) a period rest! Forevermore ; i.e we must see all our help in God ; from him we must see all our in. Has joy Genesis 1:16 ) not for every COMMUNITY, but for the of... Moods and wills he sees evil or good title a song sung by travelers, this the. Jerusalem was in his day, nor the moon by night one that * guards will. Lord shall preserve thy soul ( psalms 121:6-7 ) for then God makes them such ``! Your foot to slip ; he will keep you from all evil he. 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